Men'S ministry
Bible Study with Pastor Ken Ramey
WEDNESDAYS at 6:30 pm at the church
*SATURDAYS at 7:00 am at Grace. James Beasley leads this study.​
These leaders look forward to welcoming men of all ages to gather for breakfast, fellowship, and Bible study as we grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus and one another.

The mission of the Grace in Willow Spring Men’s Ministry Team is to encourage, energize, and equip the men of our church and our community to become all God has purposely designed each man to be through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ .Our Men’s Ministry seeks to encourage men’s evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, and encourage ministry projects.
3+ Opportunities for Fellowship with Other Men of faith...
Come Join us!

Ten Commandments for fathers
1. Thou shalt pray. Prayer makes God your companion and helper. Your children desperately need to see and hear their Father pray.
2.Thou shalt read thy Bible. The Word of God must be the ultimate authority of the home. It establishes right and wrong, truth and error; your children desperately need to see their Father consistently read the Word of God.
3. Thou shalt go to church faithfully. Your church attendance communicates to your children the actual place Jesus has in your life. Church attendance is a barometer of how serious you really are about about God. Your children will realize that very early in life.
4. Thou shalt be kind to and love thy children's Mother. The best atmosphere for children to develop into loving and serious adults is in a home where mutual love and kindness is established by loving and kind parents.
5. Thou shalt seek to develop a positive self imagine in thy children. Compliment instead of criticizing. Build up instead of tearing of tearing down. Communicate your approval. Let your child know that he measures up, that you are proud of him. Never- never call your child bad names. You cannot build up by tearing down. Your child desperately needs your approval. Make it known to him.
6.Thou shalt establish guidelines for your children and discipline them when they violate them. Children need guidelines and expect to be disciplined when they violate them. Be fair. Be consistent. Never strike your child in anger. Never slap your child. Rebuke your child in privacy. Never humiliate your child. Pray for guidance before disciplining your child and pray with your child after discipling him.
7.Thou shalt take time for and with thy children. The time allotted to your children tells them how important they are to you. Providing food, clothing, and housing will not distinguish you ini your child's eyes.You must give of yourself and that demands time.
8.Thou shalt teach thy child the value of hard work.The world and Uncle Sam does not owe them anything. They owe Society and Christ that they contribute-that they be an asset and not a liability. Work is good. Success comes to those who pay their dues by hard work.
9. Be thou patient with thy children.Remember that they are not miniature adults. Many of their mistakes are of the head and not of the heart.You must allow them to grow and learn by making some of their own decisions.
10. Be thou and example to thy children. What you do is much more important that what you say. It is always the life before the lip. It is practice before precept. Your actions speak much louder than words.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but enocuraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24